This Stock Market Ticker on WWTR is being presented by MIX MATCH 200

Wednesday, November 23, 2016



My dear friends. It is fascinationg how humans agree to disagree. Apparently a little over two quarters ago the emerging markets agreed for the super oil mcimlanies to halt the production of oil and then settle in with an amount that will satisfy the markets as the massive production has been threatening global economies. Economist understand supply and demand. The demand for the earths blood is real and understandable. The glory of capturing the markets and profits in it when less advanced economies do not have the capabilities and experience to capitalize from the flow of the earths blood as the gettin is good. This is a wasted opportunity for these economies are major catalyst for investment moving forward. The behavior puts them in a situation where one must run before it learns how to walk when it's still crawling. There is more than enough for for the enough but the idea of successful emerging markets is to end poverty and war if you will. By allowing the markets to twist and turn one way the element of corruption is satisfied and spurns through the markets and economies that are immature and still in its infancy.
In the scene of emerging markets the Saudi Arabian Oil policy is a necessity for the success of the globe to emerge with the technology that it is experiencing currently. Besides a deal is a deal. Question as history has witnessed in the planet. Why would one uproot the money reee and take it home instead of using the seeds to plant more money trees?
Here is the headache many argue. The planet is struggling to get new forms of energy. Automobiles are a good source of revenue through oils as is manufacturing and shipping. Trucking and infrastructure rely on the earthsblood to grow its economies. What happens to space exploration? From an economist point of view this industry is going to be very very profitable.
The oil markets need to be stabled now with out disagreement for this market is as big to fail as it gets. The technology is strong and harder to harness then ever. Currently the beahvior of global leaders to solve global initiatives through these markets is causing economies to stress when there is nothing to stress about. Finally some clarity will be reached so that the process of emerging markets can get through what is most important. Billaterall Agreements and trade agreements. This oil thing is stifling growth and slowing down global GDP. Perhaps more government regulations could help in situations when negotiations break down. Very fascinating is the human being. Thank you and have a great day.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


My dear friends. The US election on Nov. 8 2016 turned into fright night for many economies. As the market buckled under the new change in administration, the global emerging markets noticed a few things. For one was the dramatic strenghth of the Mexican Peso another was the ability of the US market to take cover in correction so quickly. Many fears are that that the new US administrayion entering in 2017 will stifle stimulus that has made markets realize affordability. But what was most significant about the moves in the markets was the way Japan reacted. No right or wrong answer but it was interesting to see the economies that used the same approaches as the US economy in the its stimulus forms react the same way the US market did. Moving forward many will argue that the Kenyansian Economics makes comfortable for the investment world. Questions are where does inflation that will not in any event be deniedcbecome satisfies. And where does regulation have to be demanded to harness the power that this type of stimulus has on markets.
Bond yields stayed up which suggest less sales in bonds yet the stock market looks attractive despite mixed earnings. Another interesting argument would be should all corporate business in the investment realm of emerging markets be subject to the same regulation. Especially in finance. Companies dealing with free trade and shipping have the same rules and quotas to respect. Depending on size and or importance. One would argue that if a business in the specific economies is deemed to buff to fail then perhaps all to big fail globally should be subject to the same laws of investment engagement.
This is an interesting observation of THE WIDE WORLF TRADE REPORT
A member of the IZ CORP EXCHANGE in good standing.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016




Cyclical v Secular
Macro v Micro
Energy and Materials
Raising Capital
Economies that do not have solid retirements products and retirement mechanisms will teeter and always flirt with recession, for the older generation will lack legacy but will have family left behind. This is causing a demand for the economies in these situation to  export which causes the economy to rely on foreign dollars in urn will have the economy subject to foreign policy which many will argue can be challenging for the growth of the economy. US Economy is a good example of that as the economy thrived on foreign oil. These risk off events make the economy a liability to itself. As far as the investment of transferring wealth, again which is obviously necessary the fact that property is not commonly owned by the human beings in the economy is realized as no net worth no nest egg and most likely to have no savings which create bubble effects and force stimulus to keep the economy functioning.
The emerging market scene is not good looking at all in the early quarters of 2016. Currencies as the ruble are suffering. There is negative sentiment as the fear of the emerging markets are nearing and threatening correction territory. In 2008 the correction was led by US Economy. In 2016 there a number of economies that have taken measures to protect the growth of the economies and are not being successful. Japan is not fairing well. This is causing shock to the largest economy who is brightening but yet very weak and many will argue fragile as the US Economy is still well within its recovery. With that being said after recovering there has to be some sort of rehabilitation that makes the economy prove to itself and give it the confidence that it can function without fear of aggravating the same injury.Question has the US Economy done this and have the US Economy done this correctly? 
In 2016 it is observed that technology has advanced so much in a short time. Emerging markets connected and recognized differences in culture custom and habit. Shock now exist creating massive volatility within the emerging scene even as energy changes creating more and more opportunity for technology which is very aggressive to set the tone moving forward. 
Within  the volatility in stock markets ten percent corrections are the norm. Stocks become cheap compared to bonds. Weight on index yields over time help portfolios. Repricing the markets in sectors such as materials and energy as well as health care is a given currently in 2016. The decline in earthsblood is good for GDP.Yet supply in earthsblood is fueling the current selloff.  Understanding Debt and debt management successfully will help strengthening economies. Technology and finance are seen as moving parallel in investment cycles. Health care and Real estate are a plus for portfolios.
Many complain that getting money is getting harder and harder. Mmmmm. 
The emerging market scene has observed many things objectives to handle change in the form of austerity some with stimulus and others doing nothing. It will be interesting as the economies will b e getting desperate, human beings  live longer and change is demanding with the human beings as seeking comfort and knowledge is a way of life. Keeping the economies honest moving forward to see what types of policies will take shape in the short term.

                                        USA                               USA                                 USA

Raising Rates in the US is causing recession in asset prices. Stock markets in the US are seeing a twenty three month low currently and many see downward pressure. Bond s are are at two hundred day lows the slide in earthsblood is tackling and taking down financials. How much lower. The decline are said to continue. Who is in and who is out. The plunge is causing fear as now the Fed is accused of second guessing itself as the rate was raised. Negative zero interest rates could stimulate the sell off. Confidence is a t a low point in the US Economy. Human beings that do not own stocks participate in the market or even entertain traditional investments will get squeezed in the long term. Currently stock owners feel the pressure. The typical buy pull backs and sell rallies is in question at this juncture. 
The argument was favoring whether or not raising of the interest rates would send markets down was favoring a massive sell off......This is not over yet.
Thank you and have a great day.



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