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Saturday, October 10, 2015



Global Growth

Good day
There is a growing concern on the rate of global growth. One issue that affects the rate of global growth is fixed assets as real estate outside the US in places like Africa are not experiencing propert appreciation. Long term assets as seen in the US can be used as a nest egg and or converted to cash as the value goes up. A negative is that the value of the property isn't used to increase the net worth of individuals who live in the homes. In places like Utah and Atlanta million dollar homes are increasing. This is a plus for neighboring communities as the opportunity for those homes could rise. Many argue that there could be a bubble in housing as homes prices shoot up. This is good for a US economy who is under  the fear that interest hikes will cripple investments that have given many Americans leverage in business and most importantly retirement.
A positive is the amount of jobs being created in the US that have been  steady over the past year. Moving forward with global growth the US being the leader in investments there is a concern of the amount of money owed verses the amount of monies being spent. The new implemented health care is said to take the largest economy out of debt in so many years.
One would argue that as quiet as its kept with the constant talk of rate hikes is the amount of money in the credit default swap markets as many investor concerns is that the global markets could topple or face serious headwinds despite the advancement in earnings growth and dividend payouts and also capital expenditures that are influencing investments.
The fact that there is a war coming along  in the middle east that now has larger economies involved for the concern that investments could be stagnant if fairness isn't a primary objective. There are trust issues.
Uncertainty in emerging markets is creating opportunities for many new investors as volatility increases however overall this isn't a positive.
There is the issue of pollution which many will also argue is raising concern. The drastic drop in metal prices is abnormality. The question what does this mean to investors.
Global investment research is looking like the new normal. This is relatively important due to constant stream of new and improved technology.
The US economy questioned the "wealth gap" which is disturbing as the opportunities continue to present itself to Americans.Many would argue that the wealth gap is overrated. In the US compared to many economies in strife and neglect have nothing at all. One successful  investor is being quoted as what is poor or less fortunate in the US economy? Two flat screen TVs and a cell phone?  Cost push inflation. It will be very interesting over the next few years on how emerging markets and smaller economies deal with this as they see the  rising cost of food.
Thank you and have a great day.